Smith Brothers Restaurants

Letters and Opinion

Chris Erskine: Welcome to This Crazy ‘Brat Summer’

MALIBU — Birdsong in the morning, crickets at night. In between, a beer or two at Duke’s Barefoot Bar on busy PCH. FYI, Malibu is my...

Chris Erskine: A Wedding to Remember

So what, a little rain? So what, a puddle here, a puddle there … a small and sudden pond? So what, I ruined my only decent...

Chris Erskine: Baseball and Other Summer Treasures

Random thoughts on a summer day in Los Angeles, with brats on the grill and the Beach Boys on the hi-fi: • What’s better than...

Chris Erskine: It’s Time for Beer, Brats and Buttermilk

Back to his favorite pillow, his favorite dog, the boyhood bedroom where he would lie awake and worry/wonder about going away to college. Now,...

Pair of WWII Veterans Celebrate 100th Birthdays at MonteCedro

CONTENT PROVIDED BY MonteCedro On June 6th, MonteCedro celebrated the 100th birthdays of two of its accomplished residents, Jean Bruce Poole and Helen Devor.  Both...