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Home Events GIVE-MENTOR-LOVE Foundation to Host Fais Do-Do FUN-Draiser Saturday, Oct. 2nd

GIVE-MENTOR-LOVE Foundation to Host Fais Do-Do FUN-Draiser Saturday, Oct. 2nd

Supporting LA County children rescued from the Sex Trade, and other youth and young adults in-crisis, at risk, and homeless, GIVE-MENTOR-LOVE Foundation will host a Fais Do-Do FUN-Draiser in-person on Saturday, October 2.

The Cajun Dance Party will take place in a romantic bayou setting with lots of good music, lots of good drinks and lots of good food. The evening will also feature some auction and fundraising opportunities to support GIVE-MENTOR-LOVE’S efforts.

‘Merci’ to Paul Rusnak for his offer to MATCH Sponsorships & Donations up to $100,000

For more details about the Fais Do-Do, sponsorship or ticket information, please visit

What Your Dollars Support

GIVE – MENTOR – LOVE is a Foundation of dedicated professionals serving LA County youths and young adults in-crisis, at risk, homeless or in foster care, and victims of Sex Trafficking. We are a layer of the healing process Giving immediate and continued support of basic needs and financial assistance; Mentoring to help them rediscover their self-worth; and Loving unconditionally to help them thrive. We partner with LA County Specialized Bureau for Commercial Sexual Exploited Children, LA County Zoe International, Learning Works Charter School and foster group homes serving this population.


Since our last fundraiser in February 2020, the Super Heroes event, our total GIVE has been $165,000. Our Foundation gives urgently needed essentials for survival, and everyday items necessary to help stabilize the youth we serve. Besides this, we provide transportation and things needed to further their education, such as tuition, uniforms and gear needed for their new job, continuing education or trade school. Most of these victims have been robbed of their childhood, never knowing the joy of birthday and holiday presents, new clothing, and simple luxuries in life like hair products, a pillow and warm clothes. Not only are these gifts magical to them, but they can help them realize their dreams and know that life can be good.

We have also created a Shop exclusively for the youth and young adults we serve, with items including everyday necessities like clothing, hygiene products and baby items as well as furniture and other household objects, cooking supplies and more. Everything is free and with no limit to how much they can take. To many who visit, it is like Christmas morning. To all, it’s a sigh of relief and a feeling of hope that tomorrow will be easier.


Our MENTOR programs involve hundreds of hours with foster care youths, victims rescued from the sex trade, teen moms, homeless teens, and others in-crisis and at-risk. We mentor one-on-one, in foster care group homes, and through special events and programs we host regularly. We mentor Learning Works Charter School students who soon will or have received their high school diplomas. These are traditionally underserved, high-risk students in grades 6 – 12 who have withdrawn or are in danger of withdrawing from mainstream education. Once handed their diploma, many stop in their tracks not knowing what to do next until we guide them through every step and obstacle of getting a job and enrolling in a trade or college. We are there to support their need for tuition, uniforms and equipment needed for their new job, continuing education, or trade school.


We LOVE unconditionally. Honestly, many we serve are angry, rebellious, and distrusting because of the trauma, abuse and neglect they have suffered. Think what it is like to be a 12 year old child raped 8 to 12 times a night to fatten her Pimp’s bankroll. Or for a youth living in a gang-infested neighborhood ignored and neglected by a drug-using parent, and having to navigate through every day of life to survive. Wouldn’t you be angry, too? These are some of the victims we serve. They are not victims in the popular sense of calling someone a victim, but victimized because they are truly ‘innocents’ being exploited, physically and sexually abused, neglected, unloved and misguided. Your gift truly changes their desire to live, their attitude towards life and their path to becoming independent, thriving adults. Otherwise, they become just another statistic in the count of homeless, addicts, prostitutes, and gang members on the streets.

  • Sponsoring Organization: GIVE-MENTOR-LOVE Foundation
  • Location or Venue: 1027 N Todd Avenue Azusa, CA 97210

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